Alekseevich Almazov

Russia • born in 1877

1877, Tambov — ?), painter, sculptor, and teacher. He graduated from the Stroganov school in Moscow (1901). Taught in 4-classroom school of Sergiev Posad, then at the Stroganov school. In 1903 he went to the Urals, where he taught in Yekaterinburg, in 1919-23 in the Cheat. artistic-prom. schools. Participated in competition of projects of the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky (1912-13), received first prize for the project of the monument to M. I. Glinka and N. In. Gogol (1910), created the busts of V. G. Belinsky, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, F. Reshetnikov for children's library city of Yekaterinburg. Several works cast iron Kasli plant. In 1923-24 he received the 1st prize in the competition of projects of the monument to Lenin (Chita), to his draft bust has been replicated. Participated in art exhibitions during the 1920s. in 1923, After fate is unknown. In the Sverdlovsk art gallery kept his job — a bronze head of a girl.

Lit.: Artists of the peoples of the USSR: a Bibliographical dictionary. — M., 1970. — T. 1; E. G. Kunakova Cheat. art-industrial school (1913-1923) // Zab.: The fate of the province. — Chita, 1996; the Calendar of significant and memorable dates Cheat. region 1997 — Chita, 1997.

Born Vladimir Alekseevich Diamonds in 1877 in Tambov. In 1901 he graduated from the Stroganov school in Moscow. The first time Diamond has taught in a four-year city school of Sergiev Posad, and then was transferred to Moscow in the native branch of the Stroganov school. In 1903, Vladimir Alekseevich moved to the Urals “as a teacher and head of workshop stone carving at the marble factory of the Yekaterinburg district”. After a year he has been teaching sculpting, drawing and composition at the Ekaterinburg art-industrial school. “Modeling the school was well delivered, — later recalled one of the students of the Ural sculptor artist Nikolai Sazonov. The pottery class was the brainchild of the center, and the Diamond — a favorite of students.” Among his students are such well-known Siberian names like Nikolai Zachvatkin, Ilya Alexis, Peter Gramolin, Nikolay Balandin and others. Almost 15 years lasted the Ekaterinburg period in his life. In 1919 the government of Admiral Kolchak evacuated HPS Ekaterinburg to Chita. Most of us arrived at Yekaterinburg with the family then followed the retreating troops in Shanghai and Harbin. Vladimir Alexeyevich with his wife and mother remain in Chita and began teaching sculpting in CHPS. “He was a charming, sincere and progressive views. He did not like the bureaucratic order, always in the environment of students was a good, sympathetic friend. He was able to combine training with education of the youth. His conversations with students were held after class, sometimes long delayed evenings — remember students. — Talked about the art, Vladimir Alekseevich loved to tell about his travels. Students usually listened to with great attention his stories.” The General attitude of teachers to students was smooth and warm, especially individual students are not singled out, although he could generously bestow the word “delicious” to those who, in his opinion, have a more passionate attitude to work and study. He was an exceptionally talented teacher. The main thing in his teaching is the desire to reveal “the fine arts as an important factor of human creativity in the spirit of a clear understanding of realistic content, is far from left-wing areas”. “A teacher told Diamond — will not teach you to sculpt, it will only help you in understanding how to work. Life, then practice will give you the real professional skills.” Among his favorite artists were such names as Antokolsky, Golubkina, Volnukhin, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Verokko, Donatello, Houdon, Rug and especially Rodin. “The antique sculpture, — considered V. A. Diamonds remains at an unattainable height, and we will for centuries to enjoy its brilliant works”. “Study everything you see, explore the building and the form, look for the character and explore the human psyche”, — he addressed the future creators. And these words remain relevant for new generations of artists to this day. He worked hard and creatively. So, in 1912-1913 he took part in the competition for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. Project with a height of 2.5 meters included figures of both the characters and bas-reliefs with battle scenes. He was helped by the disciples, but the events of 1914 stopped the plan. Subsequently V. Diamond received the first prize for the project of the monument to M. I. Glinka and N. In. Gogol. Sculptural portraits of figures of Russian culture was one of his favorite topics. In early 1910-ies of the building of children's library named after V. G. Belinsky in Yekaterinburg was decorated with busts of the great Russian writers-Democrats V. G. Belinsky, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, F. G. Reshetnikov. Some original work was cast in iron on the famous Kasli plant. Currently in the Sverdlovsk art gallery there is the bronze head of a girl by V. A. Almazov. In 1923-1924 Children's Commission Zagubiona held a competition for a monument to Lenin. First prize went to the work of V. A. Almazov. By the fall of 1924, the bust of different sizes in the hundreds of copies sold, has been replicated in the cities of Siberia (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk, Verkhneudinsk, etc.). And 40 percent of the amount from their sale went to support a children's Fund. Living in Chita, Vladimir Alekseevich have been exhibited at various exhibitions. In most cases, reviewers have always noted his work. Khabarovsk artist innocent Gorbunov, a graduate CHPS, recalled: “Exhibitions, which were at that time frequent, were of a very peculiar nature. The artists carried their work without a jury... But the artists-realists, and they were the overwhelming majority, always made portraits and landscapes... Sculptural portraits gave of Diamonds (alias: Kuzmin)”. In January 1920, our countryman, a famous sculptor and teacher Innokenty Zhukov wrote in a review of an art exhibition: “not a Bad sculpture from a tree Cech Povesila and sculptural work in clay G. Almazov”. One H. adds: “Interesting technique, the statuette of clay V. A. Almazov, unfortunately, cannot be represented in the cast, but we heard that it was reproduced from wood”. In 1923, the Chita art and industrial College was merged with the Polytechnic College on the basis of the latter was revealed to the industrial arts Department. V. A. Diamonds remained in the teachers and had to teach painting (watercolor), constructivism, creative drawing and styling, learning styles. But by the beginning of 1924-25 academic year, the Polytechnic was closed. Vladimir was left without a job (although at different times he occasionally taught at other institutions. cheats painting) and, most likely, soon left Chita. If he left from the USSR, like many of his colleagues, or remained in the country — the author is currently unknown. As unknown and further creative life of this remarkable Russian sculptor.

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