Ivanovich Dymnikov

Russia • 1933−2010

Born in the Ukraine in the family of employees, finished 7 classes of secondary school, technical school, military school and military Academy. In the army he served for 31 years, the last 16 years at the Central officers ' course.

No special art education, but engaged in drawing since childhood. Love of painting was instilled in him father, he engaged in a little painting. Writes in various genres in the techniques of watercolor, oil, pencil and ink. Already during his school years he participated in all-Union exhibition of children's creativity in Moscow. Tried to capture in his drawings the nature of those places where it had to happen. So there were pictures from Syria, the Urals, Central Russia.

Lately, being engaged in the art Studio under the guidance Belova, Tatyana, began to work in the portrait genre.

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