Vladislavovna Golembovskaya (Bolzan)

Ukraine • 1927−2016

Biography and information

Golembiowska Svetlana Vladislavovna.
Honored artist of Russia (1982)

Svetlana Golembiowska belonged to the pleiad of the leading artists of the Kiev school of art glass.
She was born July 28, 1927 in Odessa(Ukraine).

In 1945 he entered the Kiev state College of applied and decorative arts.
Later was transferred to the Odessa art school. M. B. Grekov the ceramics Department, from which he graduated in 1950.

Since 1951 Golembiowska S. V. starts to work at the Kiev experimental ceramic-art factory artist in porcelain. She is working on the development and creation of porcelain sculptures of small forms.

In 1964 Golembiowska C. V. together with Lydia Miteaway was invited to Kiev factory of artistic glass for the position of painter and worked at the plant until 1995.After retirement does not stop their creativity.

The first works Golemboski S. V. was exhibited in 1967 at the international exhibition in Bulgaria, for example, coffee set “East” (1967),which was designed for mass production.

Working on mass production , the artist tried to emphasize and decorative products. She began to use rich decorative potential of sulphide-zinc glass colour finish of his works the technique of overlay and Prilep-seals.
This group may include a decorative set of “Spring of 1945”(1975), decorative vases “Red carnation”(1976).

In the early 70s. Golembiowska S. V., first among the artists of the plant mastered the decorative technique of “color chips”. This technique has been used in the manufacture of such sets, as “Ryabushka” (1974),champagne cocktails(1977), “the hen” (1978).
In 1976, her works were exhibited at the exhibition “the Artist and glass” in Moscow.

She also participated in exhibitions in Yugoslavia,France, Italy, Canada, Burma, Japan, Austria,Germany, Poland,Portugal, Russia, Georgia, China.

For the creation of industrial samples, works of art, for the execution of government contracts, participation in exhibitions of various ranks in 1982, Golembiowski S. V. was awarded the honorary title "Honored artist of Ukraine".
First solo exhibition Golemboski S. V. took place in 1990 and second in 1998 ,in 2007 held the third solo exhibition of the artist, which was dedicated to the 80 anniversary of the birth of the artist.

All exhibitions were held at the Museum of Ukrainian decorative folk art (DMUND).

The works of Honored artist of Ukraine S. V. Golembewski always was decoration of exhibition halls and museums of Ukraine. Her best works are in state museums of Ukraine and private collections.
After the liquidation of the Kiev factory of artistic glass, a large collection of works (327ед.) Golemboski S. V. came in 2003 in the collections of the National Museum of history of Ukraine.
Her best works are on display in the Museum in the permanent exhibition “Colors of art glass”.

"My artistic credo – to be to the right people. So for decades he worked "on two fronts", that is creating samples for mass production as the artist of the plant and at the same time numerous exhibition and gift works as a sole master.
Prefer a man-made origin, so my favorite technique is free-blown, which gives a large space for imagination, experiment. Simultaneously a lot of soul gave precious and beautiful, but fragile material – glass. Possessed and pleasure worked with sulphide-zinc glass, which are capable of miraculous metamorphosis. Happy that he linked his fate with a whimsical, but this magical material like glass"-so has defined his artistic credo Golembiowska S. V.
Died November 19, 2016.