
France • 1800−1890

Biography and information

At first was engaged in drawing on stone, and then watercolor painting, did drawings for various magazines and published several collections of lithographs, including: "Journey through England and Scotland". Visited Russia, Spain, Italy and Germany, during the Crimean war he was at the theater and gathered a rich store of material for his subsequent works in batalicheskih style. Not limited to this style, interpreted in their works are very diverse topics: historical scenes, scenes from the life of high society and court life, themes taken from literary works, architectural types, etc.

French painter, a pupil of Baron Gros, Horace Vernet, and of the Paris Academy of arts. At first was engaged in drawing on stone, and then watercolor painting, did drawings for different magazines and published several collections of lithographs, among other things: "a Journey through England and Scotland," Visited Russia, Spain, Italy and Germany, during the Crimean war he was at the theater and gathered a rich store of materials for his subsequent work in batalicheskih kind. Not limited to native, interpreted in their works are very diverse topics: historical scenes, scenes from the life of high society and court life, themes taken from literary works, architectural types, etc. of his paintings, painted in oil-colours, especially worthy of attention: "Charles I Stuart, a slave in prison, receives a rose from the hand of a young girl" (1831); "the Coronation of the Emperor. Nicholas I"; "the Battle of Alma", "Entrance of the bride the Duke of Orleans in Tolerise garden" and large decorative paintings in the Versailles historic Galera: "Goncharevskaya battle 1793", "the Battle of Watigny 1793", "the Capture of Maastricht in 1794", "Battle at Les Clayes, in 1814" and "the Surrender of the Dutch garrison to the French, in 1832". Even brighter than in these pictures, put the talent of L. in his watercolors, which he did preferably. Many of his works in this way are characterized by freedom and grace of execution and brilliance of colors. The best among them are: "Ball at Tulare", "Big masquerade at the Opera house", a number of architectural types of Genoa, "Mary Stuart before the corpse of Douglas", the "Last auto-da-Fe in Madrid in 1670", "the Abdication of Mary Stuart from the throne," "the Reformer Knox preaching before Mary Stuart", "Trianon in 1750" and the series of paintings on subjects from the writings of Alfred de Musset.