Andreevna Kravchenko

Ukraine • born in 1944

Was born on 1 January 1944 in the village of Novo-Dubysche, Krasyliv district, Khmelnytsk region Finished in 1968, Kiev state University. T. G. Shevchenko. Member of the National Union of artists of Ukraine.

Major works: "Swing" (1999), "the Church of St. Maura" (2000), "the siren" (2000), "Winter comfort" (2001), "the Apple tree" (2001), "the Autumn gate" (2002), "Blooming pear" (2003), "field of Lavender" (2003), "On the edge of the village" (2004), "Volovets house" (2006).

Personal exhibitions:

The national Union of writers of Ukraine, Kiev (1991)

Exhibition hall cultural center of the Ukrainian society, Kyiv (1993, 1995)

Museum of history of Kiev, Andreevskiy Spusk str, 3 (1997)

Exhibition hall of the Museum of history of Kyiv (2001)

Exhibition hall of the bookstore "Art", Kyiv (2001)

Municipal Museum of the history of art of Bucharest (2002)

Museum of cultural heritage Kiev (2004)

House of artists, Kyiv (2007)

Exhibition collective, Republican:

in the 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

in Sevastopol – 2004

"Palace of Parliament" in Bucharest – 2004

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