Andreevich Andreev

Russia • 1873−1932

Honored. worker of arts of RSFSR (1931). Brother V. Andreeva. Studied at the Stroganov Uch-school (1885-91) and the Moscow school of painting (1892-1901) S. volnuchini, then Rodin's Studio in Paris. From 1913 he also worked as a theater. the artist was close to the figures of the Moscow art theatre. Member of the ORS (1926-31). The monument to Gogol (1904-06), Ostrovsky (1924-29), to Herzen and Ogarev (1918-22) - all in Moscow, sculptural and graphic portraits of Russian and Sov. writers, polit. and societies. figures (including M. Gorky, V. I. Lenin, Stanislavsky), etc.

Born in Moscow, studied at the Stroganov school (1883-1891), from which he graduated with the title "academic painter". Worked as an artist at the print factory in Serpukhov (1891-1892). He studied at the Moscow school of painting (1892-1900), at first beautiful, then of the Department of sculpture of Professor S. M. Volnukhin; he also taught drawing at the Stroganov school (1892-1918). Visited WHPV in Paris (1900). Participant of exhibitions (since 1902) and a member of TPHV (1904). Performed sculptural portraits of writers, artists, actors, revolutionaries, also in charge of sculpture of small forms in majolica, faience, terracotta. One of the first artists who worked on portraits of V. I. Lenin from nature. Performed a large series of drawings (1920-1932) and more than 120 sculptures of the leader (busts, figures, heads in different materials and sizes). Participated in the implementation of Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda. Created numerous projects of monuments, obelisks, memorial boards; the author of many monumental works.

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