Trofimovich Berdyugin

born in XX century • artist, collector
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

Born on 9 September 1945. From 1952 to 1963 secondary school. 1963 student at the Saratov art school, picturesque - pedagogical branch. Then worked as a graphic artist for various companies. All free time gave to the painting. Got into sculpture and 1972, the year he entered the Moscow higher art-industrial school (b. Stroganovskoe ). From 1978, the year twenty years worked as a sculptor in the city of Arkhangelsk. Gave a lot of time pastime of painting. Since 1998, the year again living at home in Chelyabinsk. From 1978, the year are constantly involved in all regional and regional exhibitions. sometimes Republican. In the halls of artists Union and the city did solo exhibitions. Have diplomas and certificates from the Secretariat of the Union of artists of Russia. Continue to work in the landscape genre and beyond.
  • Artworks liked by
    11 users
  • Artworks in 2 collections and 7 selections
  • Styles of art
    Art Nouveau, Realism, Romanticism
  • Techniques
  • Art forms
  • Subjects
    Landscape, Portrait, Fantasy
  • Artistic associations
  • Learning