Fedorova Vlami

Biography and information

Vlami (Tatiana Fedorova) - painter, member of the UNESCO International Federation of Artists, Master of Creative attestation, honorary member of the Academy of Natural Sciences and Society of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Academy of Natural Sciences, winner of the International Talent and Calling Prize of the World Alliance Peacemaker, member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists , Moscow regional public organization "Union of Artists"
Numerous exhibitions, incl. personal, in Russia and abroad.
The works of the author are in the collections of large public organizations and individuals. The nearest and current exhibitions - see the website of the Author.
Coordinates: tel.8-916-021-25-25e-mail: vlamy@list.ru,
Exhibitions currently:
From October 20 to June. time CONSTANTLY WORKING EXHIBITION-sale "Painting of Love".
Address: Russia, Moscow, st. 38, Marksistskaya metro station (Proletarskaya metro station) Gallery Gallery Crystal
Opening hours: from 10-00 to 22-00., Daily
from 12.12.2012 - up to now. Work time "AllOtets", "Brothers" are: Gostiny Dvor, Moscow, Rybny Pereulok, 3, living room of the "Imperial Tailor" Hours: from 10-00 to 22-00., Daily
from 10.11.2013 - on the present. time Exhibition - sale of copyrights: Interior salon "Roman Holiday": Moscow, Tishinskaya Square, 1, TK "Tishinka", Pav. AV 1.20 / 6 (floor-1, row to the left (metro station "Belorusskaya"). Working hours: from 10-00 to 21-00., Daily
Already passed:
02/09/2014 - 12.06.2014, every day, from 9 am to 6 pm Personal exhibition in the framework of the Historical - educational exhibition "Serving the Fatherland" (Retrospective of female flights of the 20th century). The event is associated with the year of the Russian history (in order to perform departmental statutory tasks). It is timed to the 100th anniversary of V.P.Chkalov, to the 80th anniversary of Y.Gagarin. Address: Moscow, Suvorov Square, 2, Cultural Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
02.22.2014 Personal exhibition at the Festival dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin
January 25, 2014 Exhibition-sale of paintings by Vlamy "Painting of Love" in the framework of the next festival of transformational and educational games. Club "ARHIKON". Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, Kalchuga. DK "Kalchuga".
December 21, June – August2013 Personal exhibitions in the framework of the concert - painting program "Fireworks of Love"
11.11.2013 Personal exhibition in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the founding of the INDIAN BUSINESS ALLIANCE and the opening ceremony of the annual event - the Fifth Forum "India-Russia: Business Dialogue". Moscow, st. Smolensk Dom5 5, hotel complex "Golden Ring» (Golden Ring Hotel).
November 10, 2013 - December 20, 2013 Solo exhibition Center "Radiance": Moscow, ul. Marshal Biryuzova
02.11.2013 Moscow, Art Gallery of Zurab Tsereteli, Personal exhibition in the framework of the Historical and Artistic Project “Moscow Bringing Continents Together”, dedicated to female flights of the twentieth century, timed to the 90th anniversary of Russian Civil Aviation, Mi-24V helicopter along the route "Moscow-Miami", the 520th anniversary of the discovery of America and the 70th anniversary of Lend-Lease
10.26.2013 Moscow, a personal exhibition at the celebration of 65 years of Army Aviation, in the framework of the Historical and Artistic Project “Moscow brings together continents”
07.21.2013 Moscow, Suvorov Square, 2 Cultural Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Solo exhibition at a closed event.
May 18 – October 25, 2013 Moscow, Ostozhenka, 5 Closed private solo exhibition
May 16 - 18, 2013, Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC, Personal exhibition at the HeliRussia-2013 Helicopter Industry Exhibition, presentation of the “Flight” painting
March 2013 Personal exhibition in the Aeroflot Museum, dedicated to women - aviators.
December 12, 2012 - December 18, 2012 Moscow, Rybny Lane, 3 Gostiny Dvor. Personal exhibition "Painting of Love"
11.11.11 Charity Exhibition-meeting. Moscow, st. Old Basmannaya, dom20 "Count Chernyshov".
01.10.2010-01.10.2011 Personal exhibition. Exhibition Complex Moskomarhitekture, Moscow, st.2-I Brestskaya, 6,
21.09. -01.10. 11g. France, Paris, participation in the International Art. exhibition of contemporary art "Love, love ..."
January 15, 2011-February 15, 2011 Germany, Berlin, Exhibition Hall of the Russian House of Science and Culture (Friedrichstraße 176-179, Berlin). Participation in the International Art Exhibition of Contemporary Art "Art Weeks in Berlin".
from July 22, 2011 on 31August2011 g Personal Art Exhibition Vlami "Painting of Love.", Exhibition Hall of the Center for International Creativity "Art-IZO-Center", Moscow Kolomensky Ave. Energy paintings ", on the territory of the Moscow State Museum of Folk Graphics. (Address: Small Golovin lane. 10)
10/20/2010 - 11/15/2010 Personal exhibition "Painting of Love." Address: Moscow, Varshavskoye shosse, 75.GUK GVZ (state. Management of culture, state exhibition hall) "Varshavka"
10/18/2010 - 10/21/2010 Egypt. Alexandria. Personal exhibition, Center for Science and Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
September 20, 2010 - October 10, 2010 Solo exhibition at the exhibition hall of the Mobil business center. Moscow
September 2, 2010 - September 17, 2010 Personal exhibition. Moscow, ul. Pushechnaya, 9, TsDRI, m. Kuznetsky Most.
On September 2, 2010, through the personal exhibition “Painting of Love” by artist Vlami, the project “Spiritual creativity of Vlami, as a display of the Creator-Creator-Man” starts. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to hold a Scientific-Practical Conference "Development of the Personality of a Person. Scientific Aspects of the Formation of a Personality and the Spiritual Foundations of Public Consciousness" Pictures, in this case, are the spiritual basis of the spiritual foundations of the Conference. The range of speakers: scientists from Russia and abroad, representatives of religious denominations, public organizations whose activities are creative projects that raise the spiritual potential of modern society. A group of scientists will develop a report of the same name. Organizer: Nonprofit Foundation "National Wealth
May 27 - June 2, 2010 Denmark, Copenhagen. Art Week in Denmark / Art Week in Denmark Copenhagen /
Exhibition Hall of the Russian Center for Science and Culture, Vester Voldgade 11, 1552 København V. (Copenhagen center)
5-11 April 2010 Belorusia, Minsk. Participation in the International exhibition-competition of contemporary art "BELARUSIAN ART WEEK". Address: historical center of Minsk, Palace of Arts (Kozlova st., 3)
April 7, 2010 Participation in the round table "International cooperation in the field of culture and education"
at the Moscow State University of Culture and Art.
March 19 - September 29, 2010 Personal exhibition on the territory of the Mosfilm concern.
March 19 - September 29, 2010 Moscow, Alexander Solzhenitsyn Str., 3 Participation in the exhibition held by the Peacemaker World Alliance, as part of the international and all-Russian program “World through art”.
March 11, 2010 COPENHAGEN Loft Club, Moscow. The exhibition is part of the activities of the philosophical and journalistic club "East-West" and the "Assembly of the Peoples of the World."
January 28-March 10, 2010 Personal exhibition. Address: Moscow, Petrovsky Blvd., dom13.
February 11, 2010 Participation in the round table "The value of the cultural factor in modern international
relations "at the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
26 January-1 February 2010 Lithuania, Vilnius. Participation in the International exhibition-competition of contemporary art "Russian-Lithuanian Art Week - Russian & Lithuanian Art Week". Vilnius.
2009-2010: Russia, America, Canada: 1. Participation in the governmental program “Cultural heritage to our future”. 2. Participation in the charity project “Save Life”, together with world-famous artists from Denmark, Austria, Norway.
From 25.03.2009-29.03.2009 Participation in the International Art Salon (Moscow, Central House of Artists)
November 20, 2008 Moscow, Big Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Academic", participation in the exhibition "ARCHIDAY 2008".
From 10.10.08 - 05.11.2008 Cafe-gallery "Jagannat", PERSONAL EXHIBITION Moscow, ul. Kuznetsky Most, 11.
24.07-19.08. 2008 Moscow, Ilinka str., 4 Gostiny Dvor. Participation in the exhibition "Summer." Contemporary Art Club "Kiselev"
C 05.05.2008 17.05.2008 "Gostiny Dvor", Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 4. Participation in the exhibition, represented by the club "Kiselev".
23.03- 19.04. 2008 Personal exhibition in the cafe-gallery "Jagannat", Moscow, st. Kuznetsky Most, 11
since December 26, 2007 - January 27, 2008 Participation in the exhibition “Geysers of the Subconscious”, Moscow, “Gallery on Solyanka”
2006-2008 permanently operating PERSONAL exhibitions: 1. "City class" (Moscow, metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya")
2. AZLK Cultural Center "Moskvich" (Moscow, metro "Tekstilshchiki")