
France • 1892−1971
Born in the family of the Frenchman and the Belgian. In Paris he came to study law. He studied at several academies of painting, including at the Academy de La Palette, led by Le Fauconnier. Two years later, he is fully dedicated to painting, engaged in self-education. First became interested in cézanne and the fauves, and later visits the circle of Matisse. In 1911, he first exhibited at the Salon of independents. In 1914-1916 involved in the fighting, was wounded on the Somme, in 1919, returned to Paris. Since that time, Gromer became a pupil of Leger. The search, which he leads since 1920, culminated in the creation of bleak and monumental expressionist style, clearly marked Flemish traits. As for the subject, he gives the preference to landscape, the image of workers, peasants, and Nudes. On the basis of these stories the artist creates large canvases, combining decorative and fine plastic start.
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