
born in 1953 • artist, collector
Ivanov Alexander Vasilevich was born on August, 23rd, 1953. He graduated the Dnepropetrovsk state university (philological faculty) in 1976 and the Ukrainian polygraphic institute (faculty book schedules) in 1989. Ivanov is a member of the international company "Art without borders ".
Lives in Dnepropetrovsk. Works in a genre of easel painting.
Since 1996 accepts active participation in regional and city art exhibitions.
Personal exhibitions in gallery "Dyvosvit" (1996), in gallery " Excellent-Art "(1997).
Took part in exhibitions in Moscow (2002), Kharkov (2003), Odessa (2005). Personal exhibitions in Kiev (gallery "Nef", Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, 2004), Dnepropetrovsk (the Dnepropetrovsk art museum, 2005).
Took part in a group exhibition of the Dnepropetrovsk artists in Odessa (2006).
Personal exhibition in gallery "Bardzo", Dnepropetrovsk (2007).
Personal exhibition in gallery "Creativity", Odessa (2007).
Personal exhibition in gallery "CITY ART", Dnepropetrovsk (2008). Takes part in the ukrainian art exhibition "Picturesque podneperovie".
The international exhibition "Artist-mirror-self-portrait", Krakow, Poland, 2008
The international exhibition "Self-portrait", Wroclaw, Poland, 2009
The international exhibition "Reflection", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 2009
The international exhibition "Self-portrait", Wroclaw, Poland, 2009
The international exhibition "Reflection" Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
Alexander's works are in private collections of Ukraine, the USA, France, Russia, Poland, Czechia.

Nationality: ua-Ukraine
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