Andreevich Kozlov

Russia • Saint Petersburg • born in 1992 • artist

Biography and information

Born in St. Petersburg in the family of artists. In 2016 he graduated from the magistracy of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen in the direction of "Painting".
Permanent participant of the exhibition "Youth of St. Petersburg" (winner in 2014); winner of the international exhibition-competition "Russian Art Week" (2015); participant of the All-Russian exhibition-competition "Muse should work"; participant of the off-site exhibition from the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg in the Volga Region - "Coast of a Dream" (2017); Author of 7 solo exhibitions in libraries of St. Petersburg.
Currently, the artist lives and works in St. Petersburg.
Poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia. He has a book of poems (2018).
As an artist, in his work Ilya Kozlov addresses the topic of native nature, continues the realistic tradition of landscape-mood. The corners of familiar landscapes appear in the paintings of the author at the characteristic moments of their existence, revealed through emotional comprehension of light and color. The artist is looking for something familiar - sign, while he consciously avoids any outrageous originality, considering that natural truth is always fresh and original in itself, you just need to try to peer into it.
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