Of gerbrand van den Eckhout or Gerbrandt Jans van den Eeckhout (niderl. Janszoon Gerbrand van den Eeckhout; 19 Aug 1621, Amsterdam — October 22, 1674), was a Dutch painter and engraver, one of the best pupils of Rembrandt, a very close approach to it in his compositions and in flavor, but inferior to him in respect of the subtleties of an artistic feel.
He painted portraits, domestic scenes and mainly of historical paintings, of which the most important is "Anna, dedicating her son Samuel to the Lord" (in the Louvre), "the Child-Christ conversing with the sages in the temple" (Munich Pinakothek), "the Family of Darius before Alexander the great" and "the Sacrifice of Jeroboam at Bethel" (the Hermitage), etc. Many of them written portraits he engraved "strong vodka".
Achot often changed his style of painting depending on the plot. A wide brush and powerful chiaroscuro effects of his religious and mythological paintings usually reflect the influence of Rembrandt and the teacher of his teacher Pieter Lastman (1583-1633), paintings and drawings which he had seen in Rembrandt's workshop. The enthusiasm of Pieter Lastman especially noticeable in the fact that van den Eeckhout was paying for the beautiful decor and its use for the stage-the platform on which to present their work. On the other hand, van den Eckhout takes their portraits and genre scenes are exquisitely and elegantly, reflecting the Flemish pictorial tradition.
In addition to his artistic activities he was also an Amateur poet and had some ability in this. He also served as a tax appraiser of artworks in Amsterdam in 1659, 1669, and 1672 respectively.
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