Vasilevich Kamenev

born in 1976 • artist
Ordering an artwork

Biography and information

Alex Kamenev is an artist with great creative present and, undoubtedly, more beautiful future. He is in constant search of new artistic horizons, not afraid to experiment and the talent to take risks in the name of art. True Russian classical painting with its great realism, it passionately weaves in their work elements of other, closest to his worldview, styles. His compositions are filled with a captivating calmness, then they appear notes of impressionistic expression or intonation. This whole Kamenev. He good unpredictable, which makes his creations are incredibly spectacular, attractive, and meaningful. In every stroke of the brush he generously puts the soul, faithfully serving his delicate and tender Muse. This means that any picture of a living soul, a happy heart beats of the Creator, carrying his art the joy of people in the hope that the face of the wonderful world of the senses, and become a little better.
Of course, this enthusiasm could be attributed solely to subjective judgment, if not numerous facts fully recognized and extensive evaluation of artistic activity of Alexey Kamenev. Full list of his achievements on the chosen way of life would occupy too much space, and therefore focus only on the most significant aspects of the human and the biography of this young painter.
He was born August 20, 1976. in Penza. In 1999. he graduated from Penza art College named. K. A. Savitsky. Also he successfully received higher education at the Penza state pedagogical University. V. G. Belinsky majoring in Fine arts. Since 2003. consists of the Union of artists of Russia – a serious and respected creative organizations. Active participant in over 100 exhibitions, including regional, national, and international levels. The most significant are "Young artists of Russia" (2002, 2007, 2010), "Russia X" (2004), "Big Volga in Moscow" (2009), held in the Central house of artists in Moscow. All-Russian art exhibition "Russia – my Motherland!" Saransk; "Unity", Nizhny Novgorod; "Continuing the tradition" Voronezh (2012). And final exhibition contest of young artists in the State Tretyakov gallery in September 2004.
Repeatedly participated in International plein airs and exhibitions. "Realism without borders", California Museum of Fine art, USA (2014). "Creating impressions", Forest and Ocean Gallery, CA, USA (2015).

According to the results of 2003. Alexey Kamenev became the laureate of the prize of the Governor of the Penza region for excellence in professional artistic creation.
His inspired and beautiful work, twice awarded with diplomas of the Union of artists of Russia "For achievements in creativity and the promotion of the fine arts of Russia".
A. Kamenev in 2009. one of the first awarded the medal "excellence" in painting, established by the International Fund "Cultural Heritage". In 2010. Golden badge and Honorary Diploma of the Fund for achievements in the visual arts. In 2012. The Diploma Of The Russian Academy Of Arts. 2015. Letter of commendation from the head of administration of Penza "For merits in development of art". 2017. Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts "For a series of paintings devoted to the Russian nature"

And a few final touches to the portrait of Kamenev-painter. Significant for his work are landscapes depicting the natural and architectural beauty of Russia and some others, visited them at different times, countries. However, it is impossible not to mention colorful still life Alexei depicting how the subjects of the Russian life, and flowers: roses, Phlox, sunflowers. Therefore, if you are open to sincere and amazing live visual art, welcome to the distinctive world of the artist Alexei Kamenev.