
Russia • Moscow • artist
I until that moment had never painted and did not worried about it. But two years ago, I snapped.

I remember that day in great detail. Usually remember the days that greatly affect your future life. I was at my mom's place. We had finished the new year Olivier and jelly. That's all corny. And then I told my brother – went to the store. And that's all.

Then I ran around the store with a kind of frenzy, went through all the possible pencils, sniffed them, tasted them on tooth, drawing them on the hand, admired them, as if it was the jewelry Department, not a paper, and I picked a diamond. Brother looked at me anxiously and incredulously. I didn't understand what was happening to me. I just bought the pencils and paper. A lot.

And then I drew 5 days without a break. Mom and dad also slightly surprised. My child openly hated me at the time and asked me to stop doing it (to draw), he wanted to play, I instead drew it.

First drew, then nephew, then mom and dad, because a friend... another year of life I spent in the art binge. Painted at night, after work. Like a drug addict. I would have just exploded if I had not painted. Such was the state.

This year I have moved away a little bit and draw almost as decent people - exponentially, day, Saturday, butter, and all kinds of small pencil sketches where and when necessary. I'm learning. I can't call myself an artist, because I have no relevant education, but I'm learning.

And let's learn together. Very much I want someone else this joyful disease to infect.
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