Vasilievna Bespalova-Dashkova


Biography and information

Bespalova-Dashkova, Maria V. was born in 1911 in Tsarskoye Selo in the family of an officer of the Imperial Artillery regiment. From 1931 to 1939 he studied at the Repin Institute of arts of the USSR at the faculty of painting, specialty painter of theatrical paintings. The Teacher Petrov-Vodkin, Karev, Yakovlev, Sohmen, Osmerkin, Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Bobyshev. After graduation from 1939 to 1948 he worked in Ufa at the Bashkir academic theatre of Opera and ballet as an art Director. In 1949 he moved with his family to Lithuania. He worked as a lecturer at Kaunas art Institute from 1950 to the Vilnius art Institute. He headed the Department of monumental-decorative art, has taught drawing and painting, worked as a theater artist in the Vilnius Opera theatre. In 1959-64 the years she lived and worked in the city of Eberswalde, GDR. Husband - Dashkov Mikhail, a military doctor, child Ksenia (1942-2002) art historian, Natalia (1945-2017) muralist, Igor (1946), a psychologist.