Vyacheslavovna Vorontsova

Russia • Smolensk • artist
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Born on June 4 in Smolensk. Throughout my adult life, I loved to draw and enjoyed the process a lot. In my youth I studied at an art school, at that time I liked painting the most. Then she entered the construction college, where she loved to draw graphic drawings - by hand, on paper. While I was studying, all this time I was actively drawing, singing and dancing. Then the institute of business and entrepreneurship, office work. And ... a break in the works. Although my soul always stretched to him, to Art, to some kind of non-standard and creative existence in it. She was trained in interior design.

Fortunately, despite the big break in drawing, Muse won: one and a half years ago I returned to drawing and began to study in the studio of Professor Anatoly Ivanovich Shlyupkin. I started with graphics, pencil drawings, wrote still lifes in watercolor. And I realized my long-time desire to try oil painting on canvas. I continue to learn, master portraits, develop my skills.

Recently, she began studying at the studio with a famous artist, Denis Petrulenkov. In my plans to do icon painting, ceramics, survival on a tree. I love to travel and Muse often visits me on the way. But in general, the inspiration is the whole world, beautiful and unusual things, people

Now in my collection there are about 20 works in oil, a lot of still life with watercolor each work carries in
imagine a unique meaning. All my paintings are united in the love of painting, especially in oil paints. This love is reflected in each picture, in each of which - the imprint of my soul and life.

My pictures are like my children, they are not written, they are born into the world.
In December 2018, my first personal exhibition “Beginning” took place in Smolensk and I was glad to introduce guests to my creations. One of the main goals of my exhibition was to inspire novice artists, to set an example for those who are afraid, hesitant to show your creativity to people. After all, to develop, you need to communicate with like-minded people, with the audience. Through your paintings cause people to have positive emotions, fill their lives with joy. And I successfully realized this goal. The exhibition turned out to be bright, rich, the guests enjoyed not only my paintings, but also an interesting show program: the exhibition was opened by dances, and wonderful musicians continued. The guests were presented works with violin, saxophone, vocals. The collection of my paintings was mainly represented by works in the technique of oil painting and several works in the technique of graphics. The event was held in a warm, friendly, relaxing atmosphere. I was very pleased to hear from guests compliments and admiration for my work.

The other day, together with the blogger Igor Malkov, we recorded an interview about me, my work, and the exhibition. In it, I gladly told about my works, inspirations, plans.

From January 18 to January 20, 2019 in the Art Gallery "Niko". Moscow, I will take part in an exhibition of paintings, where I will present both already well-known works and new ones that have not been seen before to a wide range of viewers.
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