
France • 1890−1967

Biography and information

Ossip Zadkine (FR. Ossip Zadkine, in fact Iosel Aronovich tsadkin, 14 Jul 1890-25 November 1967) is a French sculptor, a native of Russia.

Zadkine was born 14 July 1890 in Vitebsk.Father was a Professor of classical languages at the Smolensk Seminary ,mother Sophie Lester - came from a family of Scottish shipbuilders. He studied at the Vitebsk school. In 1905 was sent to relatives in the North of England, took lessons in sculpture at the local art school. In 1905-1909 he lived in London, visited the British Museum, he studied at the Polytechnic school. From 1910 he settled in Paris in Montparnasse, worked at the "Hive" ("La Ruche"). In 1911 his works were exhibited in the Autumn salon and the Salon of independent. Became friends with Apollinaire, Brancusi, Picasso, Bourdelle, Matisse, Delaunay, Modigliani (who has left a graphic portrait of Zadkine, 1913-1914). In 1914-1915 he exhibited in Berlin, Amsterdam, London. Participated in the First world war, was gassed, discharged in 1917, experienced a prolonged spiritual crisis.

In 1921 he published the first monograph on Zadkine influential art critic Maurice Ranula. His exhibitions were held in Tokyo, Grenoble, retrospective of his work was presented in 1926 in Paris.

In 1939-1945 lived in the United States.