Salomon Jacobs van

Netherlands • XVII century−1670

Biography and information

About the years of his education nothing is known. His creative development was certainly influenced by Isaiah van de Velde, as seen from the subjects of his paintings and painting techniques. The best works of Salomon van rasdale belong to 1650-60. All of his work is devoted to the nature of the Netherlands. In his landscapes depict the countryside and villages on the banks of rivers and canals, and forest landscapes. Unlike Jacob rasdale Salomon depicted people, often groups, as demanded by scenes of village life. Salomon Ruisdael wrote and winter landscapes. Paintings by Salomon rasdale few in number, they are stored in the museums of Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich, Rotterdam, Frankfurt and in private collections.

He was born in Naarden near Amsterdam around 1600. Was later replaced, as well as other known Rasdale, his father's surname "de Goya" old-fashioned (more precisely – the name of the locality, where lived his grandfather), and so signed his paintings. Had uncle Jacob de rasdale (see RUISDAEL, JACOB VAN). In 1616 he worked in Haarlem. In 1640 and 1648 he was elected a Dean of the local Guild of painters. His early work is mainly sand dunes with roads and villages and river landscapes – close the manner of Jacob van Goyen, but the handwriting rasdale not as airy, more crisp and pliable, and colorful Stroy more varied and bright. Ultimately developed his characteristic style by the early 1640-ies, portraying all of the same rural and river motifs, but focusing more on genre and architectural details, and including in composition of large wood "scenes" and to enlarge the format of the pictures. Among the typical things that can be considered a kind of "Golden mean" of classical Dutch art-landscape – a ferry in the vicinity of Arnhem (1651 the Hermitage, St. Petersburg) crossing the river (1650-ies, the State Museum of fine arts named after as Pushkin, Moscow), Tower road (about 1660, Alte Pinakothek, Munich). In the later period also wrote a hunting still life with game. Ruisdael was buried in Haarlem on 3 November 1670.