Pan Yuylyan in Paris

Exhibition 12 September 2018 − 6 January 2019
"Asian Society" in Hong Kong presents an exhibition“Pan Yulin in Paris” - This is more than sixty works of the artist, including portraits, nudes, landscapes, as well as archival materials and videos. The exhibition widely demonstrates the artistic range and outstanding style of Pan Yuling.

Pan Yuling (1895 - 1977) stands out against the general background of the artists of her generation with the wealth and artistic value of her creative heritage. She survived hard times, being born into a poor family and early orphaned. In 1918, Yulin entered the Shanghai Institute of Fine Arts, and in 1921 went to France, where she studied at art academies in Lyon and Paris. In 1925, after completing the course with honors, she received a grant and the opportunity to train at the Roman Imperial Academy of Art. In 1926, her work won the highest award at the International Art Exhibition in Rome. Returning a year later to China, she became both the head and leading specialist of the painting department of the Shanghai Institute of Fine Arts and a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Central University in Nanjing. Yulin's works were nontraditional, she used the experience gained in Europe, the influence of impressionists and Fauvists. In 1937, the artist left China and settled in France until the end of her days.

Pan Yuling was the first of Chinese artists who turned their creative attention to their own self, to the self-perception of the modern woman. Neither before her, nor for a long time after did not appear paintings, where the feminine look would be felt so distinctly. Therefore, she is considered not only the first major Chinese artist of the twentieth century, but also the founder of the traditions of female art in China.