Wang Jiaznya. Object wrinkles

Exhibition 8 December 2018 − 7 January 2019
Whitebox Museum presents a personal exhibition of Wang Jiazn"Wrinkles of the object." The artist's works are devoted to industrial ruins in northern China. The author depicts workers surrounded by symbolic objects. Wang Jiazen painted many human figures wrapped in iron sheets. The exhibition shows new works that differ from previous models. Exhibits are presented as structures made of iron plates and steel plates. The artist disposes of his usual way of repeating layers of paint in order to highlight architecture. The works are either connected with steel plates or enclosed in metal boxes and coded as prisoners.

Wang Jiaznia was born in 1963 in Liaoning Province. He graduated from the press department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Luxun. Works at Renmin University, professor. Participant of numerous exhibitions.
