Luigi Ontani. Albericus Belgioiosiae Auroborus

Exhibition 29 January − 16 March 2019
Luigi Ontani calls his work "an adventure in which I live as a man of art", where art and life are inseparable.

In his works, Ontani uses objects, color photographs, papier-mache, ceramic sculptures, slide projections and performances. In each work, the artist “uses himself” as a central point for researching a multitude of people, embodying himself as his favorite heroes from mythology, fairy tales and history.

For "Albericus Belgioiosiae AuroborusOntani created a narration that embodies the history and architecture of Palazzo Belgioioso, built in 1781 by the architect Giuseppe Piermarini.

The exhibition includes eight large ceramic masks, each of which creates a dialogue between historical symbols and mystical oriental elements. They are decorated with anthropomorphic details, such as the eyes and nose, which give each emblem at the exhibition its own stylistic and symbolic significance.