Arch. Art. Nikolay Shumakov

Exhibition 2 − 14 April 2019
The Russian Academy of Arts and the Union of Architects of Russia represent personal exhibition of works by Nikolai Shumakovdedicated to the anniversary of the master.

The author of the exhibition has prepared a new catalog in which about fifty of the most significant architectural projects (ARCH) and more than three hundred painting works (ART) are collected. One third of them will be presented for the first time in the halls of the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts. Each canvas is a fragment of an absolutely real, but reinterpreted by the artist of the world, in which all the plots allow the viewer to present some story, unsaid by the master.

Architectural creativity and original talent of the painter are intertwined in the life of Nikolai Shumakov so that it is impossible to separate one from another. Everything that comes out from under his hand is characterized by ease and self-irony, permeating even the most serious plots on which projects are created, objects are built, pictures are painted.

Based on the official website Russian Academy of Arts.