Pictures from under the sofa

Exhibition 11 − 30 June 2019
The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by one of the largest Russian graphic artists, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Myud Marievich Mechev (1929-2018) "Pictures from under the sofa"dedicated to the 90th birthday of the master.

The exhibition presents 44 easel works of the artist of different years, never exhibited before. For the first time, the opening of the exhibition of Muda Mechev at the Academy of Arts will take place without the presence of its author, who passed away on September 27, 2018.

The work of Medu Mechev is widely known and loved by connoisseurs of fine art, both in Russia and in other countries. He left his mark on world culture as an outstanding master of book graphics, who worked on epic and monumental themes. The master's works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia, in many Russian and foreign museums, as well as in private collections in the USA, the Vatican, Finland and other countries. The artist devoted 15 years of his creative activity to illustrating The Tale of Bygone Years. Since 1991, over the past decades, M. Mechev worked on illustrating four Gospel books, creating more than 300 drawings, considering this topic as the most important in his work.

Based on the official website Russian Academy of Arts.