Summer diary

Exhibition 20 June − 15 September 2019
The Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine in Kiev presents the exhibition “Summer diary". This collection from the museum collection, like the pages of a diary, shows the charm of everyday life, unforgettable moments that a summer day gives us. The exhibition includes more than seven dozen works. Graduates of art universities in Ukraine create a panoramic image of summer in all the variety of approaches and painting techniques.

The spectators can see the works of art of Kharkiv by A. Safargalin, B. Kolesnik, Yu. Vintayev, P. Shigimagi, V. Chaus, A. Yesyunin; Lviv R. Selskiy, S. Titko; Crimean V. Bernadsky; Transcarpathian L. Brovdi, N. Myronchuk-Didyk; Odessa A. Loza, Y. Zilberberg; Kievans A. Zakharchuk, E. Kotkov, A. Pavlov, L. Rapoport, Y. Malishevsky, V. Grigorov. Also on display are works by Marta Bazak, Lenur Velilyaev, Alexander Voitovich, Natalia Kochal, Anatoly Galetsky, Alexander Olkhov, Zoya Orlova, Galina Popinova, Alexander Naiden, Olga Kravchenko, Alexander Milovzorov, Eleonora Shcheglova and others.