Enemies of the Marquis de Sade / Friends of Roman Viktyuk

Exhibition 17 − 27 January 2013
One day, early on a summer morning, a telephone rang, and I heard the voice of Roman Grigorievich Viktyuk, which I loved so much. He told me about his idea of the play “The Masquerade of the Marquis de Sade”, the main theme of which should be devoted to the artist's eternal conflict with the Authority. Roman Grigorievich suggested that I write portraits of the enemies of the Marquis de Sade, who, according to Viktyuk's plan, the Marquis wrote in prison in a state close to insanity: depicting his enemies, the Marquis de Sade placed them in the pew and played the play he had invented himself.

I immediately became infected with the energy of Roman Grigorievich and plunged into the study of modern characters surrounding the Artist. More than three months working on the cycle "The Enemies of the Marquis de Sade" ... I studied the faces of politicians, officials, maniacs ...

Since I was strongly involved in the work of Roman Viktyuk, I wanted to comprehend the energies that support the Artist, in this case, the genius of Viktyuk. I plunged into the destinies of the Great Creators, who are a kind of spiritual support for the work of Roman Grigorievich. In one of his interviews, Viktyuk quoted Nietzsche: “The Creator is an acrobat over a precipice.” This quote may well serve as an epigraph of the fate of both Garcia Lorca, and Oscar Wilde, and Jean Genet, and Jean Cocteau, and Glen Gulda, and Rudolf Nuriev ... These are the Creators, those “Friends of Roman Viktyuk”, whose portraits were included in the second cycle of my works .

Tanya Strelbitskaya 4.01.2013

Vernissage will take place on January 17, 2013 at 19-00.
At the address: Moscow, Starokonyushenny lane. 39, entrance from the yard.