Magical realism

Exhibition 8 − 29 September 2019
Samara Regional Art Museum holds an exhibition of the President of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of the USSR, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Zurab Konstantinovich Tsereteli"Magical Realism".

The exposition dedicated to the 85th birthday of the author presents vivid examples of painting, volume enamel, graphics and sculpture.

The art of Tsereteli is characterized by a pictorial and energetic environment characteristic of the so-called "magic realism." The past contrasts with the present, the most insignificant details gain importance, the return of almost sacred value to the simplest objects takes place. The visual ellipsis of the work allows the viewer to determine for himself what was more truthful and relevant to the structure of the world - fantastic or everyday. In the works of Zurab Tsereteli, an unexpected connection often occurs, and sometimes interconversion of different objects, human figures, animals, fish, birds and architectural structures, which forms a bright plastic image of the canvas as a whole. Each canvas or sheet of paper has many dimensions and spatial breakthroughs that overcome the boundaries of the sheet, and at the same time remain in harmony with these boundaries.

Based on the official websiteSamara Regional Art Museum.