Pages of the 20th Century

Exhibition 29 July − 30 December 2019
Lipetsk Regional Art Museum in the halls of the Picture Gallery. N. A. Sysoeva presents an exhibition project"Pages of the XX century".

The audience is presented with an exposition telling about several stages of the development of the Soviet state, which are reflected in painting, graphics, sculpture.

The first part of the collection illustrates the stage of collectivization of agriculture in the country of 1928-1937, the time of the great turning point, which still carries the echoes of the civil war and reflects the years of trials of the Soviet people. The time of the peaceful life of time (1954–1965) is devoted to a large number of paintings of the domestic genre, striking with a variety of themes and plots. The final stage in the exposition of the exhibition shows works illustrating the heyday of the Soviet Union (1964-1984). The exhibition “Pages of the 20th Century” provides an opportunity to remember and look at the era that is still close to many. It is addressed not only to the older generation, who will find something native, personally experienced in the presented works, but also to young visitors who they will introduce to the history of the country, will help instill a sense of beauty through the fine art of a high professional school of Russian realism.

Based on site materials Lipetsk Regional Art Museum.