Picasso Lautrec

Exhibition 17 October 2017 − 21 January 2018

PICASSO — LAUTREC: the origins and Peresecina. In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid on October 17 steam has opened an amazing exhibition of two great masters - Henri Toulouse-Lautrec and Pablo Picasso, which presents more than one hundred works, brought from museums and private collections from 13 countries.

It should be noted that the exhibition surprises and charms. Let us understand why these two
the character was "shoulder to shoulder" in the halls of the Madrid Museum. The life of Lautrec and Picasso met in our universe at only 20 years old, almost a year artists have lived in the same town in Paris, but never saw each other. Lautrec had to go through a short bumpy ride rejected, not fitting into the standards of the family, the heir of aristocrats, and Picasso was destined to live a long, turbulent, and productive life as an innovator in art. At the beginning of his road Picasso idolized Lautrec and actively used his techniques: his line, small light smear, silatolu.

Both artists spoke out against snobbery and Puritanism in art, was open to change and
felt a new breath time. On the display side by side picture of the two artists are United by common themes: Bohemian, marginal society, circus tramps, women, the mystery of Eros. Slide view: before us that a very different Lautrec and Picasso, of which we know little and little seen - the 20-year-old boy who had just arrived in Paris for the international exhibition.

In the halls of the Thyssen-Bornemisza amazing elegant Lautrec acts as a constant Picasso - like
variable. Here aristocratic line of the first sings of the beauties of Bohemia and weekdays marginal companies, and the other echoed his "teacher" and it becomes obvious that the young artist soaked in the Parisian atmosphere, the infected "Laticevschi fever" is learning from him and turns to the audience such party, which for many would never have known the author of the famous "Guernica". But judge for yourself.

After a period of imitation Lautrec, Picasso will change, will soon begin its famous blue period, then rose and the subsequent metamorphoses of the infinite, which is famous for the artist. But at the end of life, in 1972, Picasso writes "portrait of a seated man in a hat" and it's like closing the circle, returned to Lautrec, but at a very different stage of its attitude.

The concept of parallel exhibitions recently become very popular as it gives the viewer a remarkable opportunity to compare the work of artists to find Parallels and connections to perform them and, perhaps, to understand something more on the basis of United visual range. The influence of Lautrec, early Picasso was mentioned repeatedly and not be questioned, but such a joint exhibition of two artists for the first time, which makes it more attractive. This exposition awakens interest in the question of the formation of the artist: what and who influences him. The Madrid event is considered Picasso's evolution through the work of Lautrec. Who influenced the formation of the Lautrec remains "behind the scenes", but of course this could be a topic for a new exhibition.

Author: Natalia Maksheev