The Weimar Republic was to characterize the social tension, political struggle and turmoil as well as artistic revolution and innovation. The Schirn gallery in Frankfurt is German art 1918 – 1933 large thematic exhibition
"Shine and poverty of the Weimar Republic. From Otto Dix to Jeanne Mammen".
Sharp, ironic, angry, accusing, and sometimes even prophetic works demonstrate the fight for democracy and draw a picture of a society in the midst of crisis and transition. Many artists who have been affected by the problems of the era, sought to reflect the reality of daily life through the "new realism" or "naturalism". They depicted maimed soldiers and "war profiteers" of the First world war, public figures, big cities with their entertainment industry and the growing prostitute, political unrest and economic problems, social changes caused by industrialization, and the growing enthusiasm for the sport.
The exhibition represents an impressive panorama of the period, which, even today, later 100 years after its appearance, has not lost its relevance and potential for discussion.