"About the earthly and heavenly with love", Evgeny Zhavoronkov.

Exhibition 16 September − 10 October 2021
Avangard gallery DOK ART presents the exhibition of paintings and graphics by Evgeny Zhavoronkov "About earthly and heavenly with love".
Each work of the artist, be it a painting or a graphic sheet, is a whole world that grows from a point or a spot of colour to the size of the universe, turning the work into a complex text in which the real is intertwined with the irrational, where there are eternal images and realities of the present, and everything is filled with many symbols and signs. The artist succeeds in hearing the music of the spheres, which is transmitted to his hand and reflected in the rhythm of lines and color patches. The symphony of the world always exists, even if it is not recorded in sheet music or any other signs, but not every artist manages to hear it, much less record it.
Evgeny Zhavoronkov is an artist who has this gift.
Elena Grigoryants
Avangard Gallery Director Doc Art,
D. in Philosophy.
Galleries at the exhibition