I am Dostoevsky. To the 200th anniversary of F.M. Dostoevsky's birth

Exhibition 13 November 2021 − 14 February 2022
The State Russian Museum and the F.M. Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum present an exhibition "I am Dostoevsky. To the 200th anniversary of F.M. Dostoevsky's birth".

The exhibition includes items that belonged to Dostoevsky, including rare exhibits presented by the Literary Museum of the Pushkin House and the St. Petersburg Dostoevsky Museum. From November 18 for the first time in St. Petersburg the visitors can see the main book of Dostoevsky - the Gospel, which was presented to the writer in Siberia. He carefully kept it all his life, this gospel was the last book in his hands before his death.

The basis of the exhibition were pictures from the imaginary "ideal writer's museum", which were especially iconic for Dostoevsky throughout his life. He did not miss a single exhibition in St. Petersburg, in Europe he became acquainted with the main museums and galleries, knew the Dresden Gallery, the Pitti Palace, the Uffizi almost by heart. He considered one of the greatest masterpieces of the "Sistine Madonna" by Raphael, admired the landscapes of Claude Lorrain, the gates of the Florentine Baptistery, Santa Agatha Sebastiano del Piombo, "Penitent Magdalene" by Batoni, this list is quite extensive. It is impossible to imagine Dostoevsky's Choice in its entirety: most of his favorite works are in European museums. Some of them are represented at the exhibition in the copies made by the outstanding 19th century master copiers. Visitors will become acquainted not only with those works that Dostoevsky saw and knew well, but also with paintings that resonate with his artistic world or the world of his characters.

Prepared according to the materials of the official website State Russian Museum.