Vivan Bose and August Lippold: Masters of the Painting Department of the Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1850-1870s

Exhibition 25 December 2021 − 10 April 2022
The State Hermitage Museum holds an exhibition "Vivan Bose and August Lippold: Masters of the Painting Department of the Imperial Porcelain Factory. 1850-1870s".

The exhibition is dedicated to the creative legacy of the two artists who worked at the Imperial Porcelain Factory during the reign of Emperor Alexander II. For the first time it presents together: the ceremonial vases decorated according to the designs of the French ornamentalist Vivan Bosé and his design drawings and sketches; as well as unique painting layers with paintings by the Saxon master of copy-painting on porcelain August Lippold. Thanks to their talent and craftsmanship, the quality of the porcelain decoration and copy-paintings has reached an exceptionally high level.

Vivan Bose (1818-1876) was an absolute leader in the development of pictorial and ornamental solutions to porcelain works of the 1850s and early 1870s. Contemporaries called Bose "the inexhaustible composer of drawings. August Carl Lippold (1823-1915) - the outstanding master of copy painting on porcelain, which made a great contribution to the development of domestic porcelain production. No one knew the technique of copy-painting and working directly with porcelain paints to such perfection, no one but him was able to create unique porcelain layers of colossal size, the height of which reached record-breaking 80-90 cm. A separate section of the exhibition is devoted to the work of the modern masters of the Imperial Porcelain Factory.

Prepared on the materials of the official site of the museum State Hermitage Museum.

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