Personal exhibition of Andrey Figola Painting. Landscape from a private collection

Exhibition 12 July − 1 August 2018
On July 12, to the art-harbour Gallery Lera Litvinova moored  the Ukrainian artist Andrey Figol. He brought with him wonderful landscapes from private collections, and also pleased public with his new paintings.

At the exhibition through the artist's paintings the visitors could make a voyage to the one-of-a-kind Venice, impressive Dresden and fabulous Copenhagen.All the landscapes seem to take you to another place where everything is incredibly different.

Togwther with Lera Litvinova Gallery, the audience made a journey through the inner world of the artist and became acquainted with his extraordinary vision of the world.

Andrew Figol is a representatives of impressionism. His paintings complement collections of art admirers from different parts of the world, including the USA, France, Italy, Turkey, Germany, Canada and Ukraine. The artist is able to depict vividly and emotionally  through paint a fleeting state of nature and give the viewer this elusive moment.

At the opening of the exhibition were presented Ukrainian journalists, editors, bloggers, Ukrainian and foreign artists, collectors and connoisseurs of modern art. Guests had the opportunity to observe pictures, speak with the artist himself as wel as with the founder of the gallery Lera Litvinova and its director Leonora Yanko.

"It is always interesting to observe how an artist conveys his own worldview through paint. For me, every exhibition is a new look at already existing things, it is a search for new ways and generating inspiration. "- says Galina Shabshay, director of Shabshai Upgrade System, a member of the International Association of -typology IEA (California).

The managing partner of the firm K & K LAW COMPANY, who is the official sponsor of the event, Andrey Kravets, says: "We appreciate art for its versatility. Sometimes you want to break your head over the ideas of the author and look for answers, and sometimes - just enjoy beautiful works and forget about the present."
Galleries at the exhibition