Oleg Zakomorny in the Moscow House of Books

Exhibition 1 September 2018
On September 1, at 14:00, a significant event will take place in the Moscow House of Books on Novy Arbat: the opening of a new metropolitan art space. Now MDK showcases will become an exhibition platform for works of modern authors. A bold and original design solution will allow book lovers and all who wish to admire the sculptural and pictorial works of Russian artists. Exposure is available at any time. Conducting such exhibitions gives everyone a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the art of the 21st century, without even buying a ticket. The correspondence dialogue of the artist with an interested viewer certainly expands the artistic space of Moscow, informs him of a new sound and volume.

The art venue opens with an exhibition by the honored artist of the Russian Federation, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Oleg Zakomorny. With personal success, his solo exhibitions were held in various museums of Russia and Moscow. The current exposition includes works dedicated to the themes dear to the artist’s heart: family, motherhood and childhood, animalism, the natural world. By the way, in the Moscow House of Books on Novy Arbat, you can see a sculpture of reading children installed in 2009 «Lived once». «Moscow has long been for me, a native Siberian, a native city, ”says Oleg Georgievich,“ and I am pleased to realize that my works have become an integral part of its cultural space. ”».

The handwriting of the author is easily recognizable. The conciseness and the seeming simplicity of artistic means combined with the depth of thought and the cordiality of the author’s attitude are captivating from the first minutes of his acquaintance with his works. «Revived» under the sculptor’s hands bronze seems to radiate heat. The exhibition also presents the graphic works of Oleg Zakomorny, which are characterized by clean lines and clarity of the visual language. These works open to the viewer a deep inner world of the artist, devoid of sentimentality, but filled with a sincere sense of awe before the fragility of nature, the beauty of motherhood, the harmony of family relationships. The work of Oleg Zakomorny, the successor of the best traditions of Russian realistic art, miraculously returns to us the original purity of perception of things, objects and phenomena that are familiar and seemingly ordinary at first glance.

As part of the project, Oleg Georgievich will conduct several excursions, which, according to the organizers, will help viewers to further understand the creative idea of the author of the works presented here.

We are waiting for you in Literary Cafe, 2nd floor!

Free admission!