East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve

Kerch, st. Sverdlova, 7
The State Budget Institution "East Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve", the successor of the Kerch Museum of Antiquities, is rightfully considered one of the oldest museums in the entire post-Soviet space.
The reserve includes: Historical and Archaeological Museum; Pottery; Art Gallery; Gold pantry; Museum of the Defense History of Adzhimushkaysky Quarries; Museum of the History of the Eltigen Landing; Imperial barrow and Melek-Chesmensky barrow - monuments of funerary architecture of the 4th century BC.; Kerch Fortress - a monument of fortification construction of the XIX century .; Lapidarium - Museum of Stone Antiquities. The reserve includes ancient settlements: Panticapaeum, Nymphaeum, Tiritaka, Mirmekiy, Parthenius, Porfmy; the crypt of Demeter and the crypt of 1891, with a unique painting that has no analogues, as well as an antique country estate.
In the funds of the East Crimean historical and cultural museum-reserve more than 242 thousand museum items are stored.
Source: Museum site.