画作描述 «First Snow»
Author's small painting 40x30cm. The first snow in the park. 2023 November.
On canvas and wooden stretcher. Oil paints.
Quiet and peaceful, just the right thing to contemplate to start the day with a cup of coffee.
In the picture a piece of the park and the first snow, slightly powdered everything in the neighborhood. This makes the picture very light.
In the foreground are four birch trees, almost leafless already, and those leaves that remain are glowing red from the morning sun. A little farther away, a few poles, lanterns, round and white, have not yet had time to extinguish. In the distance and up the mountain leads a road of steep steps. And along the steps there are fir trees and young trees. There in the distance, on the mountain rises a temple with golden domes and bright sunlight. It is clearly visible, though it is impossible to see it accurately, among the bare trees and branches.