Nikolayevich Shagin

Russia • 1932−1999


Vladimir Nikolaevich Shagin (February 18, 1932 — April 11, 1999) — Russian artist. Father Dmitry Shagina.

Belonged to the so-called "arefevsky circle" — a group of Leningrad nonconformist artists abroad 1950-60-ies., the informal leader of which was Alexander Arefiev. Were excluded from the secondary art school at the Leningrad Academy of arts. Played guitar and bass in the orchestra of folk instruments, worked as an electrician, loader, cutting polyethylene, 1961-1968, he was on compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

The work of Vladimir Shagin are in the Tretyakov gallery, the Russian Museum, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, etc.