
Born in the famous Moscow family of sculptors. Work her grandmother Ariadne Arendt and grandfather of Meir Eisenstadt are in the permanent collections of the Tretyakov gallery and the Russian Museum.

Artistic tastes Arendt began to take shape in the 1970s when she lived in Maslovka, in the famous town of artists. Arendt recalls that in his youth, often met Yuri Pimenov, V. Kulagin, S. Luchishkin, A. Labas, E. Unknown – artists, whose creative energy inspired her to create works of their own.

After graduating from the School-Studio of MKHAT, specialty “artist of the stage,” Arendt in 1991, his family moved to London.

Since then, the artist in the two countries was held 50 exhibitions, including eight solo – in the British capital. Work of Arendt could also be seen on the joint with O. Prokofiev and T. Litvinova exhibitions. In addition, Natasha took part in the Moscow retrospective exhibition "the Family of Arendt" and in the exhibitions of Moscow Union of artists.

When Arendt arrives in Moscow, she worked in the Studio of their ancestors on Maslovka, where is still kept the sculpture 1920-1970-ies and creating a nostalgic atmosphere of the past.

The second homeland of the artist – Koktebel – preserve of Russian culture of the twentieth century. Arendt comes back every summer and worked in the Studio of his grandmother Ariadne, who was a friend and associate of M. Voloshin.

The work of Natasha Arendt are in the Museum of M. Voloshyn (Koktebel), the Museum named after I. Savitsky (Nukus), in the collection of A. Glezer.

Born in 1959 in a family of sculptors.

Since 1978 member of the youth section of the Moscow Union.

1985-1990 studied at the Studio School of the Moscow art theatre (production Department).

1991 his family moved to Britain, where he lives and works as painter and sculptor.

1993 joins in the sculpture section of the Moscow Union.Continues to work and exhibit in Moscow.

1995 group exhibition of Russian artists Art U.S. dollars

Sea fever Piers Fetham gallery.

1996 Water Show .Will's warehouse

Personal exhibition in the gallery Kitsch Germany.

1997 Pas de Quatres. Central house of artists, Moscow

The exhibition the family of Arento,the House of Sculptor in Moscow.

1998 Paintings, together with O. S. Prokofiev Summer show. City Gallery

1999 Still life –real life.Together with O. Prokofiev Gallery 47

Covent Garden Art Festival

Colourful. Together with T. M. Litvinova.

2000 Round House show arranged by The Mint Club.AAF Piers Featham gallery

Fish World Wetland Centre.

2001 Easter show Athelhampton House, Dorchester. Solo exhibition

Participation in the project "Cow Parade" Gloucester road tube station Fish and Flowers, Solo exhibition Gallery 47.

Autumn 2002 group exhibition at the Russian Embassy.

2003 East Hill gallery group exhibition

The HMS President.

2004 HMS President solo exhibition of Webb's gallery group exhibition Chelsea Art Fair. Club on Brest "Objects" group exhibition (Sestry Arendt) exhibition. Moscow.

2005 Russia Breakthruogh Festival of contemporary art "Chicken God" Koktebel.Crimea.

Winter 2005 exhibition at the Russian Embassy.

2006 East Hill Gallery group exhibition.

2007 Pushkin House joint exhibition with Oleg Prokofiev.

1980-2005 participated in over 60 exhibitions. Annually organizes personal exebition at the club HMS President(1918), where there is also a permanent exhibition of her works.

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