Nikolayevich Baskakov

Russia • 1918−1993


Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1952). Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture the Russian Academy of Arts, and from 1947 began studying in the Studio of Professor B. V. Johanson. From 1951 – participant of all-Union, Republican, Moscow and group exhibitions.

(1918, Astrakhan – 1993, St. Petersburg)

Honored artist of the RSFSR.

In 1939 he graduated from the Astrakhan art school. After the war came to Leningrad and in 1945 entered the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin, who graduated from the Studio of B. V. Ioganson in 1950

In 1951 he joined the Union of artists of the USSR.

Bright representative of the Leningrad school of painting of the second floor. Of the twentieth century. Author of thematic paintings, portraits, master of the nature study. Among the iconic works include: "On the Russian Land" 1967), "Milkmaid" (1969, the Metropolitan Museum, new York, USA), "Victory" (1974), "a Conversation with my son" (1980).

Participant of exhibitions since 1952 Solo exhibition was held in 1991 in Leningrad.

Works are kept in art museums of the former USSR, the Metropolitan Museum of art (new York, USA).

Presented at the auction were included in a solo exhibition N. N. Baskakova in 1991 (published in published for the exhibition the album of the artist). Most of the works exhibited then was subsequently sold to the West, including in the United States.

Work created during creative dawn of the artist, when his letter was characterized by bright colors, impressionistic mood. High collection and artistic value.