Timofeevich Gusarov

Russia • 出生于 1932

Born may 1, 1932 in the village Churiki in a family of farmers. The family were brought up three children...

After finishing seven years of school, in 1948, Alexander T. is a student in the school of mechanization, and after graduation, working as a mechanic on the proletarian Department. After a few years at the call of the young Communist League is still very young, Alexander went to Orenburg oblast on the development of virgin lands...

After returning from the virgin fields, he 1958 comes to correspondence course at the Moscow University named after Krupskaya at the faculty of painting and drawing. In 1960 Gusarov works in the city of Mikhailov, a master of industrial training in the vocational school №25 and continues with his studies.

After graduation in 1963 Gusarov gets the right to teach in the art studios, but he chooses rural schools. In September of the same year leave to work in Chapaevsk school, boarding school, and later in 1961, works in the Illichivsk eight-year-old school...

In 1999 in Cannes, France held a painting exhibition which presented a painting by Alexander Kalashnikov, called "the Revolt of the peasants of the village Volosovichi against the tyranny of the landlord Gagarin in 1903"...

In 2000, Alexander T. participated in the exhibition "Pushkin images in creativity of naive artists" in Moscow. Of the seventy participants, only three were awarded with Gratitude of Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation. This award, the artist considers the most expensive because it was one of the few awardees among a large number of exhibitors...


"Ryazan Vedomosti", June 1999, Y. Buchnev, "At the national..."

"Ryazan Vedomosti" July 1999, N. Reunov, "It's naïve art"

"Michael's conduct" January 24, 2002. "The world through the eyes of "naive" artists"

Zvezda 1990 No. 78 K. Balls "the Rural teacher"

"Ryazan Vedomosti" on 16 January 2002. Gordienko "the Heart sees native"

(from the article: "Gusarov Alexander T. - the teacher, the artist, the man" Adamova Rumina, the site "Old Circino")

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