Alexandrovich Kiselev

Russia • 1838−1911

Studied at the philological faculty of St. Petersburg University (1858-1961). An auditor student of the Imperial Academy of arts (1861-1865). A member of the Cooperative, P. A. Krestonostseva (1860). In 1865 he received the title of class artist, in 1890 - the title of academician in 1897 Professor. He taught at the landscape class of the Imperial Academy of arts (1897-1911). Member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions (since 1876). Participant of the exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of arts, TPHV (since 1875), Saint-Petersburg society of arts, the Moscow society of lovers of fine arts, Moscow tourista artists.

Born in Sveaborg 6 Jun 1838 On education was adopted in 1850 in Novgorodskii count Arakcheev Cadet corps, and in 1852 moved to St. Petersburg in the 2 nd Cadet corps. In 1858, admitted to the number of students of St. Petersburg University philological faculty. In 1861, on the occasion of the closing of the University, is dismissed from this and in 1862 enrolled as a student of the Imperat. The Academy of arts pensioner of his Majesty. In the same year he received a silver medal, and in 1863 most of the successes in landscape painting. In 1864 out of the Academy with the title of class artist of the 3rd degree, and in 1865 went to a residence in Kharkov, where, having married, entered the service first in the office of the State Bank, a c, 1871 Secretary to Kharkov. land Bank. In 1875 the 1st time exhibited at the traveling exhibition, and in 1876 admitted to the membership of the Association of traveling exhibitions. Since that time he moved to Moscow. From 1877 to 1881, was a teacher of drawing in the 2nd women's gymnasium, and with the same 1877 at this time is in Moscow. . art lovers comrade Secretary. In 1893, A. A. Kiselev was elected a full member of the Academy of arts, moved his family to St. Petersburg, and since 1897 taught at the Imperial Academy of arts as Professor of landscape class. Two years later, for success in painting, he was awarded the title of academician. In the same 1899 he first arrives in the Posad of Tuapse. The sea, the Caucasian mountains have captivated the artist, and it gets in the country Tuapse on Cape Kadosh, and then builds a house in town, where is now located the house-Museum of A. Kiselev.

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