Vasilyevich Kravchuk

Russia • 出生于 1920


Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored worker RSFSR.Born in 1920, educated at the Kiev art Institute. In 1940 he entered the Studio of AK. Kotov P. I. and Professor Yevtushenko AA Member of the battle of Moscow, battle of Stalingrad, the company commander 1 St battalion, 42 guards regiment. In the postwar years he worked in the portrait Studio arts Fund of the RSFSR. Participated in many Federal and Republican exhibitions, including the 16-th exhibition of artists veterans of the great Patriotic war. Many of his paintings are on display at museums around the country. Portrait of Stalin entered the exposition of the Russian Museum in Germany, Four composite portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin exhibited in the Museum of France. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1975, In 1975-76, he creates a Museum of memory in two schools.

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