Mirzabaevich Kuzybayev

Russia • 1929−2004


People's artist of Uzbekistan, Professor, Academician, laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Born 20.07. 1929 Fergana
died 8.05. 2004 Tashkent

From 1944-1947 he studied at the Republican art College named.P.P.Benkova

From 1947-1953 he studied at the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin (Leningrad) arts of the USSR( Stalin scholar)

From 1953-1957 G. - the teacher of special disciplines of painting, drawing and composition at the College.P.P. Benkova

Since 1957, Professor, personal workshop III , IV , V , VI courses of painting in the National College of art and Design, im. Kamoliddin Behzod
Laureate of the State prize of the Uzbek SSR im. Hamza Hakim-zade. For the painting "Avicenna", was awarded the honorary diploma of the USSR Academy of Arts in 1982. Head. DEP. painting, Professor, academician, head of personal workshop, died 08.05 2004. Tashkent.

More than 40 years gave teaching in theatre and art and they..N. Ostrovsky later renamed after K. Behzod. He was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

His diploma painting(exhibited in the Museum OH )- "the Prospectors", the evaluation - excellent. The training took place at the picturesque the faculty ( mast. Professor V. M. Oreshnikov, A. A. Mylnikov), qualification of the artist painting.

The paintings are in various museums ,mines of culture of the USSR, Tretyakov gallery ,Museum of Oriental art in Moscow,art Museum of Uzbekistan and private collections in many countries of the world.

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  • Artworks in 1 collection and 3 selections
  • 风格
    印象派, 现实主义
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  • 教育
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  • 学生