Nikolaevich Proshkin

Russia • 1906−1983


Thesis in the CVC made. The training took place at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist-painter.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Professor.

In 1924 -1930 years LATER enrolled in the Studio of Professor A. E. Kareev. Diploma work "In the shop".In the same year with his wife, artist V. M. Belakovskiy, goes to the creative assignment for the construction of the Kharkov tractor plant. Created a series of paintings and graphic works. In 1932, the member-uchreditel the Leningrad branch of Union of artists (loskh).In 1934-38 he district artist of the Nevsky district of the city. From 1957 to 1981 head of the Department of General painting at the higher school of industrial art (1967-Professor).In subsequent years, continues to work as a Professor-consultant.