Alexandrovich Radimov

Russia • 1887−1967

The artist and poet. He studied at the school since 1906, and then in Kazan University, he took lessons from N. And. Feshin. Member of the Association of traveling art exhibitions since 1914, one of the founders AHHR. Works are in state Tretyakov gallery, private art collections.

The last Chairman of the Peredvizhniki group..

The debut of P. A. Radimov was held on the 39th exhibition of the Peredvizhniki group and was considered successful. In 1914, for the painting "the Old attic" P. Radimov is admitted to membership of the Association of traveling exhibitions. His sureties were I. Repin and B. Polenov. During these years, the book of his poems "wild Psalms" and "Earthly garment."

In 1918 he organized in Kazan art exhibition. On display next to the paintings by Kazan artists hang paintings Shishkin, Makovsky, Polenov.

In 1921, P. Radimov comes with an exhibition of his works in Moscow. It was during these years Radimov decides to revive the Association of the Wanderers. Newly revived Association elected P. Radimov as its Chairman. 1 Mar 1922 opened 47я exhibition of the society, which laid the Foundation for the unity of artists of the realistic. The result was the establishment of the Association of artists of revolutionary Russia (AHRR). Chairman of the Association was elected P. A. Radimov.

In these years, being in the center of the artistic life, he is close friends with the artists A. E. Arkhipov, S. V. Malyutin, sculptor S. T. Konenkov, poets, V. Y. Brusov, S. A. Yesenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and others.

The artist at different times is involved in many international exhibitions in Venice, London, Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Stockholm, new York.

In 1926 a delegation of artists he goes to Finland to I. E. Repin. In the Hearth creates a portrait of I. E. Repin (it is stored in the Tretyakov gallery) and writes the poem "the Sea", dedicated to the great master.

In 1928, an exhibition of AHRR "10 years of the red army", one of whose founders were P. Radimov. In subsequent years, he continues to work hard and to engage in social activities. He organized the Moscow regional Union of artists, was elected its first Chairman, arranges dozens of exhibitions of his works across the country, writes memoirs and publishes books of his poems. The last personal exhibition of the artist was held in Moscow in 1962 and was dedicated to his 75th anniversary.

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