Ivanovich Rymshin

Ukraine • 出生于 1947


Was born in the village Netrubezh Orel region. In 1967 he entered the Kiev art Institute, from which he graduated in 1971. Since 1974, lives in eagle and works at Orel art College. Participated in many zonal and Republican exhibitions. His works were exhibited at international exhibitions in Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany.

Nicholas Rymshina attracts lyrical landscape in which he seeks to Express the subtle psychological moods, characteristic of the Central Russian nature. In many of his paintings, such as "First of September" (1980), "June in the village" (1986), "Morning. Paths" (1988) is the theme of childhood. The artist consistently develops the idea of the unity of man with nature, the aesthetic value of this relationship in the formation of spiritual world of a person.

  • 教育
  • 学生