Afanasievich Chekantsev

Russia • 出生于 1948


Painter, graphic artist

Member of the Union of artists of Russia

Associate Professor of the Department of painting of Moscow state pedagogical University

Born in 1948 in Siberia

From 1964 to 1968 - Krasnoyarsk art College named. V. I. Surikov

1971-1977 the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov

From 1977 to 2003 he lived and worked in Novosibirsk

In 2003 he moved to Moscow (Odintsovo)

Since 1983 member of the artists Union of the USSR

Since 1976 creative journey in the House of creativity of artists (hurzuf, Hot Key, Senezh, Baikal, Academic), the country (Mountainous Altai, Baikal, the North Caucasus, Vladivostok, Vyborg, etc.) and abroad.

1990, 1993-Personal exhibitions in halls of the CX in the city of Novosibirsk

1996 Personal exhibition "Sounding of silence" in halls of the House of scientists in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk

1997 Personal exhibition in halls of the House of scientists FROM agricultural Sciences

1998 Personal exhibition in a recreation center "Academy" of Novosibirsk

2000 Solo art exhibition in Siegen (Germany)

2001-2003 Periodic solo exhibitions at the Institute of catalysis im. Boreskov (Novosibirsk,


2003 Exhibition of Siberian artists in Palermo (Italy)

2004 Personal exhibition in Central house of artists (Moscow)

2006 Group exhibition "Slavic roots" in Business center hotel "Radisson-Slavic" (Moscow)

2006 Personal exhibition. In The Gallery "Union-Creativity" (Moscow)

2006 international exhibition in Nikshich (Montenegro)

2006 anniversary exhibition, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Modelorganism artists Union of Russia. CA. hall of artists Union of Russia. Pokrovka, 37. (Moscow)

2006 Personal exhibition "Montenegrin album" (MSPU, Moscow)

2007 Personal exhibition "Montenegrin album" (Ostashkov, Seliger)

2007 Group exhibition "Illusions mirror space" (gallery "Pine", Moscow region, Nikolina Gora)

2007 Group exhibition "Artists of Moscow region" (international Fund for Slavic literature and culture, Moscow)

1976-2007. regular participation in group exhibitions

Participant of regional, regional, Republican and international art exhibitions.

The artist's paintings are in Novosibirsk picture gallery, Kuibyshev art gallery (NSO), in private collections in Russia and abroad (Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, USA, Japan).

  • Artworks in 1 collection and 1 selection
  • 技法
  • 艺术类型
  • 题材
  • 教育