Grigorievich Osikov

Russia • 1915−1986


Born in the city of Armavir, Krasnodar territory. In 1938 he graduated from the Stalingrad art College. The beginning of his independent creative activity almost coincided with the military hard times. And like many of his peers, Boris Grigoryevich went to the front, fought, was seriously wounded in the arm. In 1943, after the liberation of Stalingrad, he began to cooperate with the Stalingrad branch of the Union of artists. In February 1944, Stalingrad was the first organized after the liberation of the city art exhibition. Among the participants were B. G. Osinov, submitted two watercolors "Red October Factory" and "Mamayev Kurgan". In the postwar years, Boris G. a lot of work in the Stalingrad partnership "the Artist", performing and design work, and propaganda posters, and custom portraits.

50 years of the B. G. Osinov starts a lot and consistently work in watercolors. 60 - 70 years Boris Grigoryevich creates his best works. His creative achievements acknowledge and colleagues, in 1967, Osikov becomes a member of the Union of artists.

In 1982 was the last solo exhibition of B. G. Usikova, its exposition consisted of 71 work, it was the best of the artist's works.