Nikolaevna Sokov

Russia • 出生于 1957


(R. 22.11.1957, Chelyabinsk), member. Artists Union of Russia (1990). In 1981 he graduated from Moscow. technologist. inst. From 1982 lives in Person. Teaches at children's art school. DOS. types of creativity S. – weaving, composition, patchwork, applique. Woven panels and mini-tapestries S. are purity of form, elegant decorative colors, austerity and simplicity. Following the classical. the canons of the patchwork, the artist maximizes its range, seeking the finest light and color transitions. Patchwork S. – not just a mosaic of multicolored pieces of tissue, but present. pictorial composition. Thematically, the artist tends to triptych, cycle through the different options with natural motifs. 1981-participant of exhibitions: 4th zones. “The socialist Siberia” (Kemerovo, 1985); proceedings of all-Union. youth, dedicated. 70-th anniversary of Komsomol (Moscow, 1988); ZON. (Ufa, 1997); resp. (Moscow, 1999); Vseros., dedicated. The 2000th anniversary of the Nativity – “name of yours” (Moscow, 2000); GE. “9 loving women and the absent man” (Exhibition hall, JOSH Russia, 2001). Persons. C. exhibition took place in Person. The exhibition hall CX in 1995.

(author: L. S. Shestakova)

Lit.: “To see this miracle, and America does not have” // HF. 1995. 20 Jan.

Lit.: Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia / comp.: V. S. Oh, V. A. Chernozema. - Chelyabinsk, 2001. S. 793.

  • 教育