Zakharovich Podryabinnikov

Russia • 1887−1974


Born in 1887 in Zhytomyr. Studied with Juon and Mashkov in the School of painting, sculpture and architecture. Worked on many porcelain factories: Baranowski, Volkhov, Bronnitskaya, Dmitrovsky, Dulevo. 1936 - 1948 - artist SYKE (1945 - 1947 he headed the art lab). Taught at School No. 17. Factory painted landscape dish, gave the figures on table service "Volga-channel" (printing techniques). From 1927 performed painting salts: exhibition vase "Wisteria" (1937), "Moscow sea" (1939), "port Khimki" (1946); "Partisans" (1948) - all forms more. Till 1973, it was supported with Zeke creative communications, carrying out a number of his works (e.g., decorative pictures, dishes).

Painter on pottery, painter and graphic artist. In 1916-17 worked in the studios of K. Yuon and I. Mashkov in M. Mosk. Uch-school of painting, sculpture and architecture. Member. Of the Union of artists of the USSR (1940). From 1936 he worked at the Konakovo faience factory in the 1940s headed the laboratory of the factory in 1946 head. hood. workshop, plant; experimented with the underglaze-painted earthenware. The works of P. differ, obrenovitch. vision of the world, NAT. color. Among the works of P. - tea set "Children-flowers of life" (1936), vase "Partisans" (1950), set "Moscow-Volga-Canal" (1957), portrait of the artist's wife (1971) and other Works exhibited in the P. Tver. region cards. Gal., meeting Konakovskiy plant, and several other museums. 1946 P. Kalinin is a member organization of the Union of artists of the RSFSR, was a member of the mn. all. and vseros. exhibitions. He died and was buried in Konakovo. Vol.: My experience of painting on porcelain and earthenware salt solutions, M., 1954; Lit.: Bubnova, E. A., Konakovskiy faience, M., 1978.